
PAPERNURSE makes [cards]
that spark memories
and trigger unique experiences.

We enable a community of individuals and subscribers
to soothe, give cheer, treat, thank, compliment, honor, delight and pamper
family, friends, work relations and strangers
with beautifully packaged words and messages.


We believe in the act of mailing or hand delivering a beautiful card.
More than a Hallmark card from your corner pharmacy and more than an e-card...
We believe in one-of-a-kind creations and handwritten words on paper
the act of writing, the act of giving, the act of soothing and the act of receiving.

We value acts of kindness.

Together we can create a card to honor someone,
you can join our community to deliver kindness for a year.
You can order BLANKS- ribbons or mobiles by the piece
or tapas, they're original, short, sweet and delicious! 

You can even buy compliments by the dozen!